Call him what you will. Pretty Boy Lloyd. B-Fine. The Squid. It doesn't really matter what slick appellation you hang by his name dawg 'cause Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein don't play y'all. After a somewhat choppy 2010 that saw B-Fine (my preferred monicker) and the G-Sachs Unit own da street yet again, the top executives at Goldman will split up a $111.3 million dollar stock based bonus pool in deferred compensation.
Fo shizzle?
Never one to trip-out on false modesty, B-Fine was recently heard to brag about the uber expensive art collection that is housed in the new $ 1.8 billion dollar GS company headquarters. "Guess how much?" CNBC reported Blankfein saying. "Three? No. Four? No." B-Fine then flashed 5 fingers, smiled big pimpin' style, and proclaimed, "Five...Five!" Upon hearing this the Daily News responded with the line "Blank you, Blankfein!" No, it's blank us...
Good for Lloyd.
ReplyDeleteGreat for Lloyd
ReplyDeleteMankind to Lloyd: "Fuck Off!"
ReplyDeleteGoldman would've gone under if it wasn't for Hanky Paulson