Monday, January 3, 2011

Lloyd To Mankind: "Fuck Off!"

Posted by Sean Doyle, January 3, 2011.
Image by Colin & Sean Doyle

Call him what you will. Pretty Boy Lloyd. B-Fine. The Squid. It doesn't really matter what slick appellation you hang by his name dawg 'cause Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein don't play y'all. After a somewhat choppy 2010 that saw B-Fine (my preferred monicker) and the G-Sachs Unit own da street yet again, the top executives at Goldman will split up a $111.3 million dollar stock based bonus pool in deferred compensation.

Fo shizzle?

Never one to trip-out on false modesty, B-Fine was recently heard to brag about the uber expensive art collection that is housed in the new $ 1.8 billion dollar GS company headquarters. "Guess how much?" CNBC reported Blankfein saying. "Three? No. Four? No." B-Fine then flashed 5 fingers, smiled big pimpin' style, and proclaimed, "Five...Five!" Upon hearing this the Daily News responded with the line "Blank you, Blankfein!" No, it's blank us...
